Making your "OWN" GM Tools

In this topic, i will show you how to make your own/simple GM Tools on C#.
This tool is connected to your MSSQL Database.
Simply follow the steps below. Let's go!

First you need Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Higher. In my case, i use visual c# 2010. It doesn't matter as long as you have C# Compiler on your pc.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Download.

Open Visual Studio or Visual C# and create new Windows Application Form.

In this tool, we will make a simple registration and change password. Let's start.

This is my favorite part, making your own style. On account registration, we need 2 TextBox, 2 Label, 1 GroupBox and 2 Button.

*Registration Design

*Code for Registration

Change Password
On change password, we need 3 Labes, 3 TextBox, 2 Buttons, 1 GroupBox.

Here's mine

*Code for Change Password
Part 1

Part 2

I will update this tool soon. We will going to add some Item Editor and much more.

Making your "OWN" GM Tools Making your "OWN" GM Tools Reviewed by Unknown on 10:16 PM Rating: 5

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